In order to join the GSWGA for the 2025 season you must first be signed into this website using your Golf Genius credentials. Please select the Sign In / Register link in the menu.
Registering and paying for another player:
- You should be logged into your Golf Genius account. (you should see a gear box on the right side of the blue menu, if you see sign in/register you are not logged in.)
- Select the Join Now or Renew Membership link from the Home page OR the Membership menu to navigate to the page.
- On the page, type Last Name in the space of the player name who you want to pay for. If you don't see the correct name they may not be in our master roster or may have incomplete data.
- Select Continue and then Add to Cart
- Go through the checkout process and pay for that person.
- If you are unable to sign into the site, you may need to join our Master Roster first. Membership - Master Roster Registration
- If you are trying to sign up for the Master Roster and see the message, 'This email is already taken' you are already in the Master Roster. Sign in to the website using your Golf Genius genius credentials. (you may reset your password if you have forgotten it using the Forgot Password link on the sign in page)
- If you see a Gear Box instead of Sign In / Register, you are already signed in.
- You will not see the membership link to Join or Renew Your Membership until you are signed in.
After Joining the Master Roster, You should be able to join the GSWGA for 2025.
Select the Join Now or Renew Your Membership page from the Membership Menu Item.
1.) Next, search for your name in the list. Select and then Continue to add your Membership to the Cart.
2.) Next, Add to Cart.
3.) Click the Cart to Purchase your membership.
4.) Complete Payment Information via Credit Card OR Wallet.
5.) Select Pay. Your Receipt will show on screen when completed and you will also receive an Email confirming payment.